Tuesday, April 30, 2019

SEM (Search Engine Marketing)

Search Engine Marketing also known as SEM involves all the actions taken to improve on the number of useful traffic that visits your website, this is mostly done with the mindset of ranking higher on search engines. There are two different processes that make up a traditional Search Engine Marketing: pay-per-click advertising and Search Engine Optimization; which are also regarded as an organic source of traffic. Pay-per-click advertising, on the other hand, can also be regarded as cost-per-click. Since the inception of Search Engine Marketing, it has evolved, and its field is constantly changing and expanding, with new developments that seem to be coming on a constant basis. Such development includes:

Google AdWords (Google Ads)
Google AdWords has a user-friendly interface that allows you to carry out placement advertising. This means pay-per-click advertising is still able to advertise on every aspect of the internet, it is not just tied to search engines.

Introduction to Search Engine Marketing (SEM)

Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing is regarded as an aspect of SEM. It involves the use of social media platforms such as Facebook, YouTube, and Twitter in advertising. Search fields are incorporated in these platforms and they are able to effectively pass links from one site to another which ultimately leads to what is regarded as authority sites. All you have to do as a webmaster is to ensure that you place the appropriate links in the appropriate places on these social media platforms. Social media platforms have the capacity to increase a website’s influence on the search engine results. Social media marketing is a fast-growing aspect of online marketing.

Integrated vertical search
The Universal Search of Google is unarguably the best known Integrated Vertical Search. It has a search system that is smarter than almost all other search engines. This is the ability to bring various kinds of results in SERPs. Such results include relevant contents related to the search as well as the images and videos and even news that are related to that particular search. At the first time of introducing this concept, it became pertinent to optimize every web content because they all were shown on Search Engine Result Pages.

Do People Still Need Keyword Is SEM?
As long as Search Engine Marketing is concerned keyword is the lifeblood because even in pay-per-click advertising, one still needs certain keywords to drive relevant traffic to specific pages.

Therefore, you need to have a deep knowledge of proper keyword research in order to have some sort of success in your online marketing campaigns. If you fail to do keyword targeting, you will only succeed in driving irrelevant traffic to your business.

For example, maybe you are a contractor who builds new houses for people in California and you want to get that service online and create awareness. Though it may necessarily not be through pay-per-click advertising, you need to have targeted keywords to advertise such a service. You may want to rank for a keyword like “new home builder” which seems right to you. But when you do proper keyword research, you find out that what people are searching for is “home contractors in California”. If you fail to rank for this keyword, you might be left out of service.

Saturday, April 27, 2019

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

What is SEO (Search Engine Optimization)?
You may have heard the word; Search Engine Optimization before, but you probably may not be aware of what it really means. Search Engine Optimization is one of the SEO marketing strategies that involve the process of increasing the specific keywords a website needs, by way of improving and meeting up with the current algorithm.

How does Search Engine Optimization work in SEO Marketing?
Search Engines such as Google, Binge, or Yahoo rank websites on their search results on the basis of authority and how relevant the content is.

Search engine optimization has to with all the processes that are carried out to ensure that a website is easily accessible by the relevant search engines.

When it has to do with Googles search engines, there are a lot of criteria involved in the rating of websites. These criteria are used to analyze web pages. A reputable or established website that links to another website indicates strongly to Google that these websites may be of utmost importance to some of its users, hence it has the authority and can be made to appear in search results.

How to carry out Search Engine Optimization
Like as mentioned earlier, Search Engine Optimization is a crucial aspect of SEO marketing, it involves two very distinct processes. On-site SEO on one hand and Off-site SEO on the other hand. These terms are very straightforward terms, they are very easy to understand given the fact that it separates the SEO done right on the website and the one done right off the website. However, we will look at these two terms critically in a later paragraph.

SEO marketing activities require professionalism and some kind of experience that will give you the foresight to know when things might have a drastic change later one. However, depending on the level you are in your SEO marketing, the skills required differs. But with constant practice you can learn to be at the topmost level, sweeping everyone off their feet and taking over the market.

·       On-site SEO
On-site SEO has to do with all the SEO marketing activities that are done on a website in order to enhance the visibility of the site organically. This entails optimizing the content to enhance relevancy and easy access to the business.

Some of The Basic Methods Used to Carry Out On-Site SEO Are:

·       Technical Audits
this is done to make sure that the website in question can be indexed properly, and to be sure that every aspect of the website is free of any form of errors.
Keyword Research: This ensures a proper analysis of specific words that Google can easily use to locate your website when a user inputs such words in the search bar.

On-site Optimization: to have a successful SEO marketing, your website must be well structured. The structuring will be in terms of proper on-page alignment, easy internal navigation, the usefulness of content. Certain areas must be prioritized, and certain key terms must be targeted.

·       Off-site SEO
When you talk about off-site SEO, you are referring to all those activities which are done outside the website to enhance visibility organically. Sometimes, off-site SEO is also called link building. It seeks to find more links to other websites of great repute as this is used by search engines to pass a vote of authority and trust.

Monday, April 15, 2019

What is a Good Marketing Mix?

The term marketing mix was coined sometime during the 1950s by the American Marketing Association. It was created to describe how marketers and business people make decisions that affect how they successfully execute their marketing plans. The term remains relevant even up to today because there has been a consistent change in various aspects of marketing, such as a change in technology, also the development of several ways in which a particular product can be marketed. A good marketing mix should involve a combination of both online and offline factors that affect how a company markets its products or services.

When you talk in terms of online factors that might affect your business, SEO marketing is a very crucial factor. Carrying out a proper SEO marketing will ensure that you get to the right clients and customers and sometimes for free. online advertising is the most convenient way to get your business out to the world, while you might sit on your couch watching TV. That is the level of comfort that online advertising brings to. You may be new to internet marketing, and therefore you may not know how things work, that does not mean you will not give your business the boost it needs. You can hire online marketing companies that will take charge of all your online advertising through proper SEO marketing.

We are in an age where everything business has gone digital. therefore, if you own a business, creating awareness of the larger community through online advertising should be a marketing strategy to really consider.

The Four Basic Aspects of a Marketing Mix
Every marketing strategy whether it is online advertising or offline advertising; which is very rare these days, must have four major aspects. And they include the price, type of product, method of promotion, and place.

  • ·         Price
when setting up a price for a specific product or service, you have to bear in mind the customer’s notion about the product in terms of what they think of the quality and value. The price of any product has a profound effect on the successful marketing of that product or service. For example, a lower price means that you will have more customers who will be willing to buy, on the other hand, the price should not be too low because you still have to maximize profit so that you can remain in business.

  • ·         Product
as a marketer, you have to consider the shelf life of your product, also you have to think ahead and to recognize whatever challenge that may come up once your product gets to the final consumer.

  • ·         Promotion
The promotion of businesses is the most crucial aspect of any business because it is one thing to have something to sell and entirely a different thing to get people who may want to buy.  You have to advertise your business and the best way to do this is to go online. SEO marketing is a great strategy in any internet advertising because you would require specific keywords to help you drive the right traffic. You may have traffic as soon as you get online, but if you do not drive enough of the relevant traffic through specific keywords targeting, you will not make satisfying sales. That is where the services of SEO marketing experts come in, you may need to pay a little sum for this, but in the end, the benefit will outweigh any cost.

  • ·         Place
As it implies, the place is the distribution center on land from where your products or services can be distributed to where they are needed.